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New toys at Toy Fair 2015.

Combiner Wars Defensor. Groove is now Defensor's weapon/armor while new charater Rook (a SWAT vehicle) replaces him as a limb. iner-wars-protectobots-at-toy-fair-2015-182098/

Voyager Cyclonus, a retool of Silverbolt. His combined mode with unrevealed limb robots is called "Galvatronus". ager-cyclonus-at-hasbro-toy-fair-2015-event-182099/

Legends Warpath (legends Megatron repaint) and Viper (Powerglide repsint and homage to a COBRA jet). ends-warpath-and-viper-at-toy-fair-hasbro-event-2015-182102/

Leader Ultra Magnus, complete with giant hammer and Minimus Ambus. a-magnus-at-toy-fair-hasbro-event-2015-182101/

Titan class Devastator. -fair-2015-hasbro-event-182100/


The new Ultra Magnus looks fantastic, as do the Protectobots. I'm also really digging Viper and his Cobra Rattler homage. Warpath is alright, but the Deluxe one from a few years ago is great. Somebody who attended a convention in Asia said that Warpath is getting a green repaint, so I wonder who that'll be.

Cyclonus is OK, but I wonder what they are doing with Galvatronus. Using that name could still mean that we'll get a solo Galvatron toy somewhere down the road. A new Leader figure for him would be sweet. I don't like the idea of having him only be a combined form.

Devastator looks good. The individual Constructicons do look a little wonky, but I still like them.


Ultra Magnus looks incredible. This is the first Ultra Magnus that reminds me of what Magnus should look like (aside from the Masterpiece version). The G1 I grew up with was so blocky that even though he looked like Magnus, the lack of detail that they could achieve with it never really made it feel like Ultra Magnus to me. The Thundercracker I saw in the pictures also looks promising as well. And Devastator looks fantastic.

I'm running out of room to store all the Transformers I keep wanting and collecting!


Yeah, a lot of people are running out of room for all of the Transformers that they want to get. I'm so glad that Hasbro is finally making a big, cool-looking Ultra Magnus. I really hope that they make a new Galvatron at some point even though we are getting this Galvatronus combiner. A new Leader-class for him would be nice. With the 30th anniversary of the movie next year, I feel that it should be sooner rather than later.
