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Transformer: Skywarp
Autobot/Decepticon not listed: Grimlock

Combiner: Devastator
Car: Mirage
Jet: Skywarp
Animal: Grimlock
Mini: Warpath
Large non-combined: Skyfire
Voice: Soundwave
Look: Shockwave
Paintjob: Skywarp
Persona: Skywarp

S1 EPS: Heavy Metal War
S1 character: Skywarp

S2 EPS: The Key to Vector Sigma
S2 new character: Stunticons/Menasor

S3/4 EPS: Grimlock's New Brain
S3/MOVIE new character: Galvatron

& more if you got'em...


Favourite episodes
1. Fire in the sky
2. Heavy Metal War
3. War dawn
4. A plague of insecticons
5. War of the Dinobots
6. The secret of Omega Supreme
7. Starscrem's brigade
8. The to Vector Sigma parts 1 and 2
9. Only human
10. Golden lagoon

Its treason then! (Palpatine - Star Wars ROTS)
