Megatron VS Cykill ?

I recently learnt that in the new Transformer comics that in the Megatron origin comics that he fights Cykill in a gladiators areana.Cykill was a Gobots character that was a cheaper rival to the Transformers franchise.Does Hasbro now own the rights to Gobots ? If they do can anyone explain how they introduced Gobot characters to the Transforners Franchise ? Was the explanation storyline wise that they were Transformers or were they a differant race of robots?

So it's treason then!


Hasbro acquired the rights to the Gobot names and stories when it bought Tonka in 1991. Hasbro does not own the Gobot toy designs that Tonka licensed from Bandai.


That kinda complicates things. The appeal of GoBots-if there's any appeal there at all-is likely milking nostalgia based on those original designs. I'm not sure there's much of a hunger out there for a full-on re-boot of GoBots. I suppose that's why Hasbro hasn't really done much with the property since they acquired it.

He went to Bespin Luke Skywalker, but he left Hand Solo


The Battle Beasts also appeared in one of the IDW Transformers comics.

Oh, upon researching, they were a toyline by Takara called BeastFormers in Japan. Here they were released by Hasbro with no relation to the Transformers, which is why I was puzzled by their inclusion in a TF comic. I thought maybe they were another acquisition like GoBots.


The Battle Beasts also appeared in the Takara Headmaster cartoon series that took place after season 3 but disregarded season 4.

Its treason then! (Palpatine - Star Wars ROTS)
