Dark Awakening

did anyone have a hard time watching this transformers episode dark awakening when Optimus prime is a zombie thanks to the mad doctors or something that was sad anyone else feel same way

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It was sad that he died at the end sacrificing himself to save his fellow Autobots.But at the end of the episode there was a glimmer of hope that he would return.Which he would finaly do.


My newt door neighbor cried that morning and didn't want to go to school. I was upset, but I didn't cry.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...


when they first aired "Dark Awakening" there wasn't a glimmer of hope at the end of the episode. I don't think the writers had decided to bring Optimus Prime back yet. I think that came later after many of the stories of season 3 aired and fans continued to be upset by Optimus' death.


I remember just being a little bit happy to see him back on an episode even though he wasn't himself. It was a little weird to see him all cracked and broken looking. I think the TV show goes for longer and stays popular if they didn't kill him or lots of the other characters until maybe 3 years after they did. If they would of waited until like 1988 to 89 it would of been a little bit easier to swallow. I can watch seasons 1 & 2 over and over but 3 & 4 only every once in a while.


I stil got trouble watching that episode it was like tramatizing seeing a legendery character being killed off like that,scary and sad at same time.so glad they brought him back it was not the same without prime


The thing about that episode is, it showed that Optimus no matter how badly damaged could withstand attacks that would destroy any other autobot,(when he's in the ship and it's being attacked by quintessons) in a way it kinda shows us how much of a legend he was. I notice at the end of the episode the narrator says "But is this really the end of Optimus Prime? Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode, "The Return of Optimus Prime", though that two part episode was at the end of season 3 and this was episode 8 of season 3.


I notice at the end of the episode the narrator says "But is this really the end of Optimus Prime? Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode, "The Return of Optimus Prime", though that two part episode was at the end of season 3 and this was episode 8 of season 3.

That's actually because the episode was shown twice in Season 3. Once in the beginning like you said. And then it was shown again at the end of the season with that teaser about The Return of OP. The teaser wasn't in the episode the first time it aired. At that point OP was really dead.

Oh, and one more thing...you just read my signature.


the episode was shown twice in Season 3.

My brain was playing tricks on me...

I remember the 'Hate Plague' two part episode, and I vaguely remembered the Zombie Episode... and I'd been conflating them in my memory for about 20 years...

what I'm guessing is that my brain recalled the rerun of the Zombie episode, as it lead into the Hate Plague , and then I opted to 'delete' the end of Zombie, and the start of 'Hate' so for 20 years my brain assumed the Qs had activated him as the Trojan Horse for the Hate Plague...

and then when I watched the DVD I was confused as to their separation in the season, and their distinct Plots... nice to know I'm not totally crazy


Many decades later I still get choked up when that final scene happens. But One has to admit Prime went out the way he lived his life (yes that sounds tacky I know). He went out like a Boss and all the Auto-bots and Quintisons knew it even.


I feel the sameway one episode I got trouble watching,i cant stand seeing prime get blown up and try destroy autobots but he did come back in return of optimus prime did kind of miss megatron to

didn't care for galvatron anyone else


Yup, had that same problem with him dying twice both in this episode and in 1986 movie. But yes, this episode was so traumatic to me as a kid, him losing his arm, mind and being tore down in the end due to explosion. Even now it seems hard to watch. It has that dramatic manga/anime feel about it, something similar to the last few minutes of the first Gall Force anime movie.


not sure I saw first anime movie but this was tramatizing for me now and for young kids,to see him die twice then see him return toward final episode like nothing happened confusing but glad see him return normal.

but dark awakening is one I have trouble seeing to this day without being chocked up.r try not have nightmares
