MovieChat Forums > Transformers (1984) Discussion > who noticed how this show grew their voc...

who noticed how this show grew their vocab?

Between this & GI Joe, i learned a lot of new vocab as an 8 year old. Tryna list some of those SAT words i learned.

1. Oblivion
2. Galvanize
3. Lots of others i can remember right now. Anyone else remember?

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Indeed, most of the ten-dollar words came from the bad guys alone.

Megatron must've uttered a number of them, like Defective Mentality, Terminate & Termination, Transfixed, Incompetence. From Unicron I learned, Dubious, Misjudged, Exaggerate. And let's not forget Hook's memorable "Uncharismatic Bore" insult towards Soundwave.

I seem to remember the GI Joe movie had it's fair share when Cobra Commander berated Serpentor and so forth.

Like Pusillanimous. What a word, Cobra Commander!


Didn't Rumble counter with somrthing like, "I'll show you uncrasimatic!"?

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


No. It was, "Hey, nobody calls Soundwave uncraismatic!".


And let's not forget Hook's memorable "Uncharismatic Bore" insult towards Soundwave.

If we're talking vocab, I think he was calling him a "boor" not a "bore." "Boor" meaning uncultured. Pronounced the same.


boor/bore... Both technically work in context


Starscream to Megatron: "Save the oration!"

Can't stop the signal.


I noticed alot 80s-90s cartoons used stronger vocabulary words, like. It was a good learning tool that treated kids, intelligently. I hate when cartoons talk down to kids.


Me too. I remember my dad sometimes making the comment that my vocabulary had gotten bigger from watching "that cartoon with the robots." Call me a geek, but I even got to the point where I would have a dictionary on the couch beside me when I watched, just so I could look up the new words and see "exactly" what they meant lol
