Refrigerator episode...

I was so excited to finally be able to see the episode that Cherie gets stuck in the frige..I found a short clip that mixed it up ...


I always wondered why Cherie couln't just push the door open from inside...was the door stuck or something? I don't remember who opened the door and found Cherie, but did he or she have difficulty opening it? My son is two and can open the refrigerator easily. Seems like a nine year old shouldn't have had trouble opening it, even from inside.


I always wondered that myself. I am watching that episode right now and noticed why she couldn’t open the door. It is a very old style refrigerator where the door actually latches when it closes instead of the way they are now, held by suction or magnets (I’m not sure which). Henry had to pull the handle down to unlatch the door to open it so Cherie would not have been able to just push it open. Hope that helps.


It's strange because the same thing happened to me except I didn't pass out or anything. My mom got me out in time. For some strange reason I could not open it from the inside! I was 4 years old at the time. Anyway, I pushed & pushed, but it just wouldn't open. So I understand that Cherrie couldn't get the door open.


A lot of older fridges, like the one in this ep had the latches tucked in the side of the frame, so that the door and the fridge would lay flat against one another-- there wouldn't be any room to get even a screwdriver between it to jimmy the latch, even from inside. Old fridges in junkyards were deathtraps for kids playing hide and go seek before the days of the suction/pressured doors.
This was further evidenced by the fact that in Back to the Future, the original time machine was to be an old fridge similar to this, but the producers nixed it for fear of kids imitating the time machine and spending an enternity pushing up dasies from asphyxiation.


I am not certain, but I believe it is against the law to put a refrigerator out with the trash without first removing the door.


Still I don't know why Cherie hid in the refrigerator
in the first place-- didnt she know she would be risking
getting herself locked in!! Or did she do it without

It was the best hiding place- but it almost
cost her her life!! Foolish move!!


she was like 7 years old she was caught up in the fun of the game and did not think.

Holy smokes 99 channels and nothing's on!
spencer breslin in the kid


Anyone notice the boomcat showing in that ep when they are in the classroom practicing CPR. It's very easy to see.


I was always under the impression that she wasn't suffocating but that she had hypothermia or something.

Also, I'm surprised no one has noticed that Cherie seems to wait to shout for help after everyone leaves. I'm assuming if it's that easy to hear her voice from inside the fridge that she could certainly hear everyone else outside.

"I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it." Edith Sitwell


the doors dont open form the inside because there is no need for them too.

Holy smokes 99 channels and nothing's on!
spencer breslin in the kid
