MovieChat Forums > Night Court (1984) Discussion > Episode With Pot Brownies?

Episode With Pot Brownies?

Was there an episode that involved pot brownies? Knowing "Night Court", whoever ate them would act all wacky and goofy due to being stoned.


'Hash Brownies' was an episode of Barney Miller (which was also created by Reinhold Weege). Wojo's girlfried bakes him a tray of brownies laced with hashish; not knowing they've been doctored, he takes them to the station, where most of the detectives get stoned after eating them. It's probably the best-known episode of that series, and one of the funniest sitcom episodes ever.

By the time Night Court had debuted, the Reagan 'just-say-no' Eighties were in full swing, and television writers were operating under a sort of unwritten ban on drug humor--so if NC had aired an ep like that, it would probably have to have played as some cautionary PSA against pot.

50 Is The New Cutoff Age.


I've seen that Barney Miller episode you're talking about. It's hilarious. How Barney kept a straight face throughout is beyond me.


I'm betting Hal Linden was doing a lot of grinning under that mustache .

50 Is The New Cutoff Age.


He was the only one who didn't eat them.
