Saturday Morning 'Say No To Drugs Special'
I remember a say no to drugs special that I think was on ABC when I was a kid (late 80's). It featured the muppet babies, and some other cartoons (I remember bugs bunny), and also it scared the s#it out of me! I remember the drugs were represented by this big cloud of smoke, and I think he had sunglasses on (you know, cus his eyes were all blood shot, I'm assuming.) I remember that there was this sister that was trying to get her brother off the smack, and also that they took a rollercoaster through the kids brain to see what his insides looked like on drugs. You know the more I think about it, it all seems kinda "Far out"!
Well anyway does anyone remember this special? And if so, is there anywhere I can find information about it online?
Thanks a ton!