Back in 1985 I taped all the episodes, up to the final one, the Alfred Hitchcock like one. The second part of Dregs was preempted by Reagan but they played it the next week.
It really sucked that so many parents or conservatives wrote the network to complain about Matt's antics, since Matt was a poor role model to young boys (like me). It was obvious that they bowed down to the conservatives and next thing you knew Matt was caught and was never the same wiley character again. I just watched all the episodes on Youtube and the chemistry was amazing between Matt and Norm. Like Hekyl and Jekyl. Then Matt was on probation and was good. There is a definite change in the tone after he got caught by his Mom. It wasn't as funny and it wasn't as smart.
Another thing that was noticeable was how much Jason Bateman grew from start to finish (in ONE season). His voice was also changing too.
Jezebel! Flauntin' your flesh in temptation's raiment! You will burn. Oh, you will burn!