'The Gamesmaster'
I just watched the episode "The Gamesmaster". It's consistently listed amongst the more popular episodes from Season 1. It was written by the great Flint Dille, and as usual, he manages to slip in a few "subversive" aspects.
- In the first two minutes he gets the Baroness into a bikini (and a hot tub) and Lady Jaye undresses, her skirt and top hitting the floor, pan up to reveal her in her undies.
- Lady Jaye and The Baroness have a catfight. Me-ow.
- When Flint asks what will happen to the losers (of his game), the Gamesmaster doesn't hesitate "They'll die.". Not "perish" or "be sorry". Die. Seems like a small thing now, but threats of death weren't something you saw on a children's show back then, and one where both sides were squaring off with heavy weaponry every episode (like G.I. Joe) often had to tip-toe around the subject.
- We're led to believe that Flint is killed, and the Gamesmaster's army even puts him in a coffin and carries him to his marked grave.
It's a fun episode, and the voice actor for the Gamesmaster puts on a lot of relish and seems to be enjoying him self. I just thought it was funny that Dille slipped these elements in past Sunbow's standards and practices department.
You're messing with my Zen thing, man!