MovieChat Forums > G.I. Joe (1985) Discussion > anyone forbidden to watch this?

anyone forbidden to watch this?

my dad greatly disliked many of the early/mid 80's cartoons which included thundercats, transformers, silverhawks and the like, but he allowed gi joe because of the "positive message of the psa's", so i was just wondering if anyone had similar experiences. now that i'm older, i'm not denying that just about every 80's cartoon was a glorified commercial, but that doesn't make them any less awesome.


The Joe PSA's are probably the most (in)famous, but I believe "Masters of the Universe" was the first cartoon series to tack a moral lesson on to the end of each episode and most other 80s toons followed suit (Though "Silverhawks" coda was more educational than moral).

My parents never really restricted what I watched, especially cartoons like these that I'm sure they felt were normal, healthy escapism for a boy my age. But I'm sure that there were some parents who didn't allow their kids to watch many of these cartoons because of the violence, "G.I. Joe" especially given it's "war" themes and unabashed patriotism. Not to mention the fact that, as you mentioned, they were used primarily to sell toys.

Now playing: Visionaries


Not to mention the fact that, as you mentioned, they were used primarily to sell toys.


totally agree, but god those were great toys.


^ Amen to that. Best toy line of all-time IMO. Especially '82-'87.

Now playing: Street Hawk


I loved this show as a kid. But when I got the boxset some months ago, I am at odds with whether to let my son watch this when he is a pre-teen. However, Transformers MTMtE, being further removed from reality doesn't seem as "bad". I guess images of people with guns loses its innocence when you think about the realities of war. I'unno.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


G.I. Joe is pretty far removed from reality though. It features a bunch of nicknamed fighters battling it out with Star Wars technology in the most improbable of situations. If you want to let him watch it, it should be easy enough to explain the differences between fiction and reality.


Yeah the animated series focused more on adventure scenarios than war. Not so the Marvel comic written by Larry Hama, where they used bullets instead of lasers and characters were frequently wounded and even killed (But only after their corresponding action figure had been phased out by Hasbro ).

The line between right and wrong is so clearly defined and the show so chock-full of "Drink your milk and do your homework" rhetoric that it's utterly harmless at worst, and actually good for kids a best.

Now playing: Street Hawk


I am so glad I didn't grow up on some homes, sheesh. I use to make copies of rock tapes and give them to a guy in high school, his super religious mom wouldn't allow him to buy them and she would douse any she found in holy water and mail them to Jimmy Swaggart, or something crazy like that.

This was the mid 90s, talking about she said Pearl Jam was Satan. While I agree most of their music sucks and they are lead by a liberal idiot, I wouldn't go as far as to call them Satan lmao.


i was watching stuff like Friday the 13th when i was 6 or 7 so yeah, cartoons weren't on any radar for any problems with my mom. i could watch whatever i wanted which made for an awesome childhood!!! :P

and whether they liked what i watched or not it didn't matter....saturday mornings were nothing but cartoons on every channel from 6-7am til noon so they either were sleeping, out of the house doing whatever or just keeping themselves busy. after a week of going to school, i deserved my saturday morning cartoons dammit. :P

but considering how terribly cheap and cheesy all of these shows were, i'm surprised anyone could have anything against them. i mean of course it was awesome as a kid but today i enjoy watching that stuff to laugh a positive way. :P but yeah i can imagine what my parents thought now that i can see them the way they did. lol


Parents who weren't bright enough to realize that this was/is a cartoon whos sole purpose was aimed at selling toys to little boys are morons. No one ever died and there was always a moral attatched to the show. Hell, they even had those dumb PSA's at the end! Uptight parents like that are jerks. I am glad that my parents didn't really restrict me from anything when I was a child. I saw Psycho, Halloween, The Shining, Poltergeist (in the theater no less) and I grew up fine. I never wanted commit violent acts as a result because I knew IT WASN'T REAL. Sheeeesh some parents really suck!

What's so crazy about standing toe to toe with someone saying "I am"?


My man I grew up watching zombie movies, these cartoons were nothing

..or at least I think so lol


This, and most other cartoons, contained veiled(and not so veiled) messages about the New World Order(especially "money to burn" S1E21) and should be looked upon rather dubiously.

"Angry White Man"


My dad didn't want me watching GI Joe as a kid or have any of the toys because of the military theme, and he didn't want that influencing me and having me go in the military when I was older. Which is strange because he was in the Army reserves when he was younger and his brother/my uncle was in the Navy and my dad is not anti-military/pacifist.


you had a *beep* childhood lol ;)

You deal with it.


