'The Alien' episode - What does Wayne say?
Dear "Auf Wiedersehen Pet" fans,
I discovered this series only a short while ago, and haven't seen so many episodes yet.
Anyway, just a couple of days ago I came upon the "Alien" episode. Since I am not a native English speaker, and there are no subtitles to be found everywhere, I am asking you for help now.
Wayne has problems with his socks in this episode. He is complaining about this several times throughout the episode.
There is one scene where he says:"...Working in all that water, I'm gonna get...
Well, and then he says a word I cannot make out. No matter how often I have listened to this bit, it's nearly impossible for me to understand. He says something that sounds like "foot" and then something else.
I would be very grateful if somebody could tell me what Wayne (my favorite character) said there!
For me it's quite hard to understand the British dialects. But it's fun listening to them!
Looking forward for any postings that can answer my question.
Thanks in advance!
Heike (timerider)