The Fallen Madonna

Was it my imagination or were the boobies not actually that big?!


Hehe, no they wheren't actually. I have thought about that too. But I guess that they couldn't make that big boobies for a TV show in the 80s and lets face it..."The Falllen Madonna With The Small Boobies" doesn't sound that funny :-)


I thought so too....

But it could have been 'The Fallen Madonna with the Bare Boobies"

(Everyone wins...)


The Opener of the Way is waiting....


It's interesting how the phrase wasn't uniform in the beginning, they kept referring to the painting as 'Reclining Madonna' sometimes, and the 'boobies' were not always even mentioned.

Then it just became a boring, dull catchphrase and all humor was lost.

Maybe the boobies seemed big to people at the time before plastic surgery and before seeing naked boobifications were a normal thing, so any time you were able to see something like that, seemed like a BIG event, and thus increased the perceived size of the phenomena in your mind as well.

Also, whose bobbensteins would they compare that particular pair to? No one in the movie has time to really analyze the whole matter size-wise, so they just keep thinking they seem somehow 'big', although they're really not.

It benefits big-bobbled women, of course, to make people think THAT is what 'big' looks like, because then actually big booba-woobas would look ENORMOUS and gigantic.
