This desperately needs to come to DVD.

I'm still your master, boy. It is past time I destroyed you!



I totally agree

I love this film, i was devastated when my video copy was purposely destroyed by someone who will remain nameless.

Its about time I have to stop searching for a replacement.



Bugger!!! This movie is STILL not out on DVD...?! I see DVD copies of it selling on eBAY, but they're all just bootlegs that are recorded from VHS. I might have to settle on a bootleg DVD, seeings how it's not available in DVD format anywhere else...

It's funny because I see those bleeding-heart, anti-piracy commercials at the movies... like that one with the set/contstruction guy trying to convince us that it's our fault he makes such little money. It's not my fault he can't find a real job. It's the production company that pays the actors, and themselves insane amounts of money for one movie, that most people would be lucky to make in a lifetime.



Ya do got a point there. If they won't make the movie available to buy in a store, what other option is there then to bootleg it? Only bootlegs I have would be "Eraserhead" and the original Star Wars trilogy (but this was before they were available on DVD (although Eraserhead can only be bought from David Lynch himself from his site for a cool $60). Regardless, I plan on eventully shelling out the money for the legit versions.


I want to buy the real DVD. Bloody movie companies dragging their feet.


Count me in to purchase a legitimate copy of the DVD.
