Favorite Line?
For me, it's "I'd piss on a spark plug, if I thought it'd do any good!"
shareYep that’s a classic.
Another one is when the General tells McKittrick his new defense system sucks, he responds:
I don't have to take that, you pig-eyed sack of sh*t
The was a scene where David's father was watching the news. On the news channel the anchor made this statement;
"There was a fire at a prophylactic recycling center today..."
It put in so subtle that I think most of the audience missed it, which made the joke all the better.
I was old enough to know the terms rubber and condom but not prophylactic so I never thought anything of the news report till much later on!
shareMissed what? That would be a drug recycling center.
“prophylactic” is anything medical to prevent a disease. It’s not a word that was invented to mean a condom.
For the 99% of adult populace that is not in medical field the word prophylactic means condom.
It would be very strange if that were just random, but I am pretty sure the writers put that line in.
In fact... it is even FUNNIER if it were random.
Just last month my area had such a fire in a prophylactic recycling building. it was massive and took the better part of two days to put out. I kid you not.
I am not in the medical field, am now an old fart and knew what such a plant was when I first saw the film when I was in my 20s.
None the less an easy case csn be made that this bit was included in the film for a background laugh. Could also be in part because someone involved with making the film knew of a real occurrence of such a fire, saw/heard the real responses and decided to use it in the film, again, for a background laugh/joke.
I think David's insulting remark towards his school teacher's wife was legend, too, but I forgot how it went.
Mr Ligget: "There seems to be a lot of confusion on this next question. Asexual reproduction. Could someone please tell me who first suggested the idea of asexual reproduction?"
David : "Your wife?"
Some parts in the middle but that is the jist of it.
Sounds about right. Shows David's contempt for authority figures, although I gather he treated Mr. McKittrick with more respect, considering the grave situation he found himself in (espionage).
Stephen Falken:"John! Goo to see you. I still see your wife picks your ties".
I love that one so subtle and yet snarky.
"I loved it when you nuked Las Vegas. Suitably Biblical ending for the place, don't you think?"