Joshua discovered the launch code while playing TicTacToe against itself. The missiles were showing steam like they were preparing to launch. Then all of the sudden the wars play out on the screens but the missiles didn't fire. Why? Did the tictactoe overload break a circuit or something that caused the launching to be disrupted? Or did Joshua just decide to not launch until it could play out the simulations? I think it would have been better to not show the missiles rumbling with steam.
By playing tic-tac-toe, Joshua/WOPR learned the lesson of futility: the only winning move is not to play, not to even begin, so the launch was shut down. He was behaving like a machine (which of course he/it is) and when the new bit of information was discovered and added to the scenario that was running, a new solution logically presented itself: don't begin, because all other scenarios result in total loss.
If you notice after the exhaustive round of tic-tac-toe, it had figured out the launch codes. (The shower of sparks and blown monitors were for dramatic purposes and wouldn't have affected the launch command.) As the silos were preparing, WOPR was applying the newly-learned lesson of futility it had discovered from tic-tac-toe to Global Thermonuclear War, and re-ran every possible scenario, after each of which it displayed "WINNER: NONE" indicating it had learned the correct lesson. "Strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?"
Which was actually the major problem of McCittrick's plan. The Russian missiles would annihilate us, the WOPR would decide "not to play" and do nothing. Russia wins.
No because after WOPR realizes that it's better to not play, the the humans would no longer be locked out and then some time later, they would go back to the old system.
If the radioactive cloud and the resulting thermonuclear winter from all those launched Russian missiles killed all the Russians as well, the result would still be "Winner:None" then it wouldn't really matter if Joshua played the game or not. Americans would be dead and so would the Russians.
My New Year's resolution is to simply write 2̶0̶1̶4̶ 2015 instead of 2014" .