1. He was being questioned about computer hacking, not murder. They picked a place that actually had few people around that could give him aid where they could tell he wasn't armed.
My bet is they didn't want pick him up at home or school so they could have him in custody before his parents found out. It's a lot easier to convince them not to call an attorney when he's already been hauled miles away instead of being taken in front of them.
Plus, if they took him at home, he might see them coming and have the chance to destroy evidence.
Finally, don't forget, they thought he had a partner. They may have been trailing him first to see if he was meeting up with someone.
2. He likely was, but at first, they just wanted to know how he did it. When he asked for a lawyer, then was seen at the terminal in the office, that's when it became unfriendly.
3. In a police situation, that's true, but the government has more leeway with that stuff. Plus, those laws weren't on the books back then. Further, they had already called his parents and pacified them so they wouldn't retain council. Finally, back then, people trusted the government more. It was us against the Russians.
Remember, the original goal was to get information. His parents didn't understand computers, so likely wouldn't understand just how serious what he did was.