When David gets the classified address from the NORAD computer, the computer's pronunciation of Oregon is closer to correct than David saying "Oregone" on the pay phone later. I would expect a Washingtonian to do better than that (and especially better than a computer!)
Also, was the zip code for the classified address 97401? That is downtown Eugene.
-------------------- Every now and then say, "What the *beep*." "What the *beep*" gives you freedom.
Noticed that too. I always pronounced it "OR-uh-GAAN" (last syllable rhymes with "John") before I moved to the Pacific Northwest and learned the locals called it "OR-uh-GIN" (last syllable rhymes win "win").
I don't know about the zip code, but "Eugene" is also mispronounced by people who have never been there.
One would expect to be pronounced "you-JEAN."
The proper pronunciation of "Eugene" is "run-down,-pot-hole-RID-in,-gray,-RAY-nee-HEL-hole,-ful-uv-SLAH-pee,-SELL-fish,-smug,-BLISS-ful-ee-IG-ner-ent-HIH-pee-STOW-nerz-hoo-dont-smile,-haav-no-eye-dea-how-food-iz-suh-POZD-too-taysst,-and-hoo-luv-too-make-fun-uv-ruh-LIDG-us-PEE-pull,-but-bee-LEEV-in-id-ee-ah-tick-bull-bleep-lyk-majik-KRIS-tulls,-hoe-ME-ah-pah-thee,-and-SHAA-krasz,-and-hoo-R-ub-CESSED-with-ree-SIE-kuh-ling,-but-dont-kare-at-all-uh-bout-AK-tyou-uhl,-IN-duh-VIDJ-you-ul,-PEE-pull."
YMMV. But I call it like I suffered it.
P.S. I wish I read celebrity interviews. If I had I would have known that Rose McGowan had spoken extensively about how much she hates Oregon, specifically Eugene. They need a new slogan: "Eugene: so awful it drives teens to successfully sue their parents and become emancipated minors."
That's nothing compared to how Jennifer (Ally Sheedy) pronounced 'trajectory.' "Tragic-torry." I'm assuming it was scripted for her to pronounce it that way, because she was asking what it meant.
"Well that settles it, this place gets no more of my business."
I always thought the woman partner of Arnold Swartzenager in Kindergarten Cop pronounced Oregon weird when she was on the phone. (I think it was her), it's been awhile)Was more of a Or E Gone. And I am not from up there. Another place mispronounced a lot is Louisville. They get upset when you mispronounce it I have found. I am from Memphis and we hate Lousville so we mispronounce it on purpose to piss em off lol.