MovieChat Forums > Testament (1984) Discussion > Just bought the dvd...

Just bought the dvd...

I just got the dvd today and watched it as soon as I got home. I think it is a powerful reflection of the will a mother can have when faced with such catastrophic circumstances. I can definately see why Jane Alexander was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance. There are a couple small documentaries included in the dvd including recent interviews with the cast and the director and screenwriter on how the movie came about. It was released at $10 and should be a no brainer at picking up....


Thanks for the info. I saw it at Best Buy today but had already ordered it online. Hopefully it gets here soon because this is a DVD I've been waiting to pick up. Cool that there are some special features. Usually late releases late this get the shaft.


Well said. I saw this movie when it was first on tv in 83...I was 11, and it scared the hell out of me. This movie, and "The Day After" were both incredible.

I actually had a chance to work on a film with Jane Alexander a few years ago...I told her just how much this film moved me when I was a kid. LOL. She was quite cool.


Agreed. The Day After was also great. What film did you work with Jane Alexander on?


And by "quite cool," do you mean she was appreciative of your feelings and recollection, or was icy and aloof? (I'd imagine the former, but you never know.)
