MovieChat Forums > Superman III (1983) Discussion > Clark Kent should've left him alone

Clark Kent should've left him alone

Talking about when he started fighting with Superman u know. I saw this movie bunches of times as a kid & watched it again just last night for the first time in so many years. I've watched the junkyard scrap a dozen times & realized that Superman made several tries to walk away from Clark but he kept coming after Superman looking for trouble. I think this was very interesting for anyone that can see what's going on here.


So Clark was supposed to allow Evil Supes to continue to terrorize the populace all while knowing he's the only entity able to stop him!?!? Makes no sense.


Oh no Clark has to get the throne back yea & it does makes sense. But it looked to me that Superman was trying to leave the scene. Not sure why he wanted to do that. He must've known that Clark wasn't gonna die so easily.


No, Clark leaving ES alone makes no sense is what I meant. Your reply is even more baffling since you acknowledge the fact that ES must be defeated. Why wait? They were in a sparsely populated area. Imagine Clark just letting him fly off and ES subsequently directly or by his actions causes the death of people. Kinda hard isn't it. That's because it's the antithesis of Kal-El's character and nature.

reply didn't seem like bad Superman wanted to hurt anyone. He was trying to stay away from people it seemed to me & he looked like he was getting weaker or something. Not sure what was going on with him at times u know. He was still mean & tough but looked so tired at times. Was the tainted kryptonite killing him?


I'll grant you the speculation that it seemed like ES wasn't homicidal but I just don't get your misplaced compassion for me. While sober he showed apathy if not open disdain for people and while drunk who knows what he was capable of doing. ES was a sad, incomplete, and pathetic creature and Clark defeating and reabsorbing him I was actually a kindness.


Exactly. After first reading the original post I thought it was a troll, but now that I've read further, it seems to be a misunderstanding. Clark Kent had to stop the lowlife Superman. That's the point of his existence. While true Clark probably didn't really want to fight the tougher Superman as he still held the edge over the more human version Clark Kent, but over time, their powers began to do a mild shift. Clark knew it and held on fast. By the end of the battle, Clark got all his powers back and Superman was just a shell of his former self. It had to happen this way. Superman had to reform. So no, Clark could not let him get away like that.


So true! I guess that explains why Clark was kind of scared of Superman because he had the edge like u said. But do u know it seemed like Superman was walking away? Also was the kryptonite gonna kill him because he looked to be getting really weak I think?


I think (given the confines of a PG rated movie) that 'evil' Superman couldn't do anything too extreme anyhow?

Regardless of such, it's easily the best sequence in a otherwise (worryingly) disjointed movie (although it's a masterpiece compared to the similarly frustrating part IV)


I am pretty sure this is a battle happening in his mind. It had to happen for Superman to be good again. I don't like this movie but that was the only great part of it.

reply's possible it was in his head but with Superman having all those powers he could've created Clark Kent into a physical entity u know but probably by mistake since u see how they both so so surprised when they see each other & stuff. I could watch these 2 fight all day. It's that good! Just wish I could've been around when it was in the movie theater back then 😕.
