Please refresh my memory

I watched this when I was little and it used to scare the crap out of me. I'd go to bed at night thinking that I was going to be turned into a pod person or being changed into a blue ball. (Or the Troll from "Troll was going to turn me into one) Now that I watch it when I'm older, heh, pretty amusing. So please refresh my memory....

1) Was the little girl half alien? I think so but I don't remember since it was so long ago.

2) What were they doing with the lifeforce balls that they sucked out of ppl?

3) What was the goal of the aliens, I know it was to study us but for what?



I just finished watching this movie, so
I'll try to answer. (Spoilers ahead)

1) Yes, she was. She looks human but had alien powers.

2) No idea. Studying them? Keeping them in storage until the end?

3) Again, no idea. The data they gathered was to help them make some
kind of decision about their fate and the fate of Earth... whatever
that means. I thought they were gathering data for an invasion, but
then they release everybody at the end so... they're not evil invaders
after all? It was a really ambiguous ending.
As the little girl said of her mother, "she'll be back".

