Still Smokin' is like going to a cafeteria...take what you like and leave the rest. I love the sequence with Eddie Torres, the "E.T." extra testicle and Cheech hiding in the closet of the hotel with the stuffed animals, as was done in the movie "ET." Press the pause/hold button on the scene immediately after the hotel maid ravaged both Cheech and Chong in the hotel room.....look closely as the room is really destroyed! I fast forward through the stuff I don't care for, Con Talk and Wrestling. Queer Wars was a scream as was the sequence with Chong as the security guard (man, does he clean up well, hair combed and beard trimmed) and Cheech the dope peddler calling out "Dope, Dope." The live sequence at the end is hilarious with Limey Bitters and especially Harry and Margaret at the live sex show. A final thought, throughout the film you hear Cheech say "Donkey Smell." When I visited Amsterdam I finally got to find out what that was all about. Dankevel (or something spelled like that) means....THANK YOU in Dutch. So, take what you like, laugh at it and fast forward through the stuff you don't like. Be sure to make a pledge to the Dope-A-Thon in care of Ashley Roachclip!