No, the house is not haunted
I posted this comment on the thread for DOROTHY STRATTEN, for which there are many comments, but I felt it might be appreciated here as well.
Some time ago, someone asked if the house where Dorothy Stratten died had become haunted.
The answer is, no.
A Hollywood film crew filmed STAR 80 in that same west Los Angeles house and no one reported anything, "unusual".
Over the following decades, nothing out of the ordinary has been reported. Southern California has its own fair share of paranormal investigators who sniff out this kind of thing, but there's nothing to report.
The following question would be, but shouldn't the house be haunted because of the violent deaths that took place inside in the late afternoon of August 14, 1980?
The answer is, not necessarily. It depends upon the decedent's personality, psychological background, and emotional state at the time of death. Fortunately, the overwhelming vast majority of people who died tragically do find their way over into the afterlife.
The people around Dorothy Stratten who knew her the best reported her as well grounded, compassionate, and not self-centered or conceited. True, Dorothy Stratten enjoyed a brief taste of Hollywood fame and liked it. But she retained her perspective. It was completely logical and natural for a kindly soul like Dorothy Stratten to pass over into the light at death, no matter the circumstances.
So what about Paul Snider? True, he fits the egocentric profile that is the cause behind many human souls being unable or unwilling to pass over, thereby becoming human ghosts. But look at it from his twisted point of view. At the time Paul Snider reportedly fell into near total despair and frustration. He had failed at almost everything. Ironically, he was the brains behind the Chippendales male dancers idea. But he neglected to consult legal counsel to retain the rights to his concept invention. As a result, others stripped the idea from Snider and left him out in the cold. Snider's one big success, Dorothy Stratten, was about to be lost to him. No, Snider's soul had the least motivation to hang around this world, reliving its humanly failures and frustrations. It was more of a relief for his soul to pass on as well. But with that said, considering the violent acts Snider committed in the house on August 14th, 1980, there's such a thing as Divine Justice.