A great classic B- movie to see in 3-D.

I had the honor to see this Science fiction classic in 3-D back in 1983 in the theatre. "Spacehunter:The Adventures In The Forbidden Zone" is still in my book,a real great B-movie,Peter Strauss(Wolff), Molly Ringwald(Niki), Ernie Hudson(Washington), and Michael Ironside(Overdog) make up the great cast in this movie.The plot is great, the characters are awesome, Michael Ironside played the role of Overdog really great. I had the hots for Molly Ringwald and still do,she is a superb actress in this film. I have this movie on DVD, I wish though on this DVD, they had interview with the cast and crew.

I recommend getting this movie on DVD.


I also love this movie, classic B-movie stuff!! i was only 2 when this was released back in 1983 so i haven't seen it in all its 3-D glory, i read an article (on Jaws 3-D) published in june 83 where Tony Anthony of Comin at ya & The Treasure of Four Crowns fame, claimed that on opening night the film fizzled people got up after the first 10 minutes and left the theatre, he claimed the 3-D photography was so bad that technically it sent the whole process back to the 50's.

I am from the UK i can not get hold of the DVD at all (damm it) but i did manage to get hold of the music score by Elmer Bernstein, which is fantastic.


If the 3-D photography was so bad, it had to be the fault of the theater. I also saw this in a theater and thought it excellently done. The Treasure Of Four Crowns was also terrific in 3-D!


Yep, I was pretty young, but I saw this one in 3-D, too. It blew my little 8 year old mind, all the kewl 3-D stuff!

Good ol' Coney Island College. Go WhiteFish! -- Fry


I can't believe it!! I have been trying to remember the name of Treasure of Four Crowns literally for about 20 years. I saw Treasure in the theatre in 3-D and around the same time saw Space Hunter and MetalStorm, I loved them! I'm still awaiting DVD releases of these movies, and would love to see them in 3-D. I think one of the real problems with Hollywood is that gems like the above mentioned movies are no longer made. Remember when it was fun to go to the movies. Another idea, someone should put together a DVD pack of the awesome 3-D movies of '82-83 (in 3-D of course). It could include Jaws III, Friday the 13th, Metalstorm-The Destruction of Jared Syn, Spacehunter, The Treasure of Four Crowns.... and lets not forget Parasite (starring a nubile Demi Moore).

Sorry for ranting.... by the way anyone know anything about time travel? I just want to go back!



This was actually an A-list film made by Columbia pictures that was filmed in Utah. The decision to film it in 3-D was not made until a few days before principal photography began. What makes the 3-D photography of this film so poor is convergence (where the two images come together). With the execption of a couple scenes, the background looks like it's even with the screen (instead of behind it) with the characters appearing to be miles infront of the screen. This causes some strain on the eyes since they have to be slightly crossed for the duration of the film.
I think they spent more money on promoting the film than making it. I remember seeing one of the vehicles (Overdog's trackers) parked in the middle of the local mall. There were two people dressed in the fat 'bat' creature suits walking around the mall handing out flyers for the movie. You don't see that anymore.


I can hardly believe it!

For years I've been wondering about the movie with "Niki the twister," and I randomly decided to google her (being that she was my only lead). I tried several spellings of "Niki" and got nothing. Just when I was beginning to think my kidwitz brain had dreamed it up, I discovered that the correct spelling was Niki.
