great movie

hehe, just saw the movie tonight again, about 20 years after the last time I saw this on VHS.. and the fun thing was that I could wistle the whole theme again like I saw it yesterday...

dispite the now dated effects, I still loved the movie. And Peter Strauss was great as Wolff..

I just read in the trivia that it was presented in 2.35:1 in 3D and 1.85:1 in flatversion, but what I wonder then, is the 1.85:1 version an 'open matte' or is it really just the 2.35:1 version with the sides cut off..


wrong, its a terrible, awful, crappy movie.


It was a typical 80's action/adventure, meant for pure fun. I doubt it was meant to be that deep.


Nar, it's a magnificent, wacky low-budget cheesefest, full of odd, pointless and occasionally fantastic things. And a cool score from Elmer Bernstein to boot!


I like the movie also, I remember seeing it on TV when I was 10 or so, so thats 16 years from now. I was looking for this movie for such a long time, because I couldn't remember the name and recently I finally found out Spacehunter was the name!!

The movies is so nice, because its typical 70/80 sci-fi/action and still has some cool moments despite the age.

Its worth seeing if you have some spare time!

On the internet, nobody can hear you scream!


I love it to this day!

"I'm not a scab and I'm not out of my diapers!"

"Us loners need to stick together!"

Trustwords, brainworking, 50% for Wolf, 50% for the other guy, and 50% for her!!! hahaha! There are a bunch more I can't recall at the moment...
