The transport ships in the desert!

Is it me or were those boat like transporters usind in the Martian Chronicles as well? I seem to remember a scene from my childhood where an old guy in some sort of cowboy outfit was shooting at guys with big V shaped masks and sparkly cloaks on those kind of desert ships on mars and when he shot them they disappeared.

I could be wrong, but I'm sure it was that! If it was is it the same ships?


It's possible. Sometimes sci-fi's in the 80s recycled props to save on their budget. I remember seeing some random sci-fi with the exact same ships as in Battle Beyond the Stars. I think it is all because of the Buck Rodgers/Battle Star Galactica thing in 1979. Someone decided it was a good idea and that the audience wouldn't care that the same props were being used again and again even though their target audience would likely have seen both films/shows.

Which would probably be why so many of those recycled prop films are so well known today...yeah, that's why they stopped doing it I guess.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


Yeah,the samething happened with that huge armoured land train used in the movie adaptation of Damnation Alley, it also appeared briefly in Apex,in the background.

"Welcome to your doom!"
