Look, I'm a big fan of Molly and specially of the 80s but that movie was a major crapfest!!!

Peter Strauss? What a terribly annoying performance he put on this movie!!! And he's your main character so it's crappy as hell!!!!

It's not a ''So bad it's good'', it's a ''So bad it's actually very bad'' movie!!


No it's not! If you saw it in 3-D in the cinema originally, and you accept it WAS 1983, then you will understand. I suppose you don't like the Mad Max films either. I'm going to check out the film locations for it this summer. I will fly out from England.

My movie location photos are at


Maybe I had to watch this movie in 3D! I don't mind the special effects, in fact i like them, it's the story I don't really like and i like a lot of sci-fi movies from the 80s. That one was just too much and bored the hell out of me!

And I like Mad Max, at least the first 2 movies! =D


No, I`m sorry but you`re wrong. The interaction between Wolff and Niki is hilarious.



When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


So go watch something else.

I thought Titanic was crap.
Horses for courses, mate.


It's all about timing with a film like this. I don't think it's a great film, but I would rank it in my list of guilty pleasures that I admit to having watched at least 10 times. Have I seen Citizen Kane or the Godfather 10 times? No. But those are lightyears ahead of this film, and yet, it has a special place in my heart. I was born at just the right time to enjoy all the early 80's sci fi and fantasy films and they remain at the top of the list for my favorites.

I just watched this movie tonight after not having seen it for 20 years, and I still remember a significant amount of dialogue.

If you are just watching this for the first time, you will probably hate it.

Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Pwned.
