MST3K should have done this movie!

My husband and I were watching this awful movie and kept making wisecracks like they used to do on MST3K. It was too easy!! If they could have gotten the rights to do this movie, they would have had a BLAST!!!

"Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking!"


I had forgot that this movie even existed, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw it a few weekends ago being aired on some nostalgia station, and I don't think that I've seen it since it was first on in the 80's?

You have to view such a movie with a retro frame of mind, bearing in mind that it's 30 years old, and shot with a relatively small budget for a sci-fi film at the time. Also keep in mind that this was the early days of CGI, and most special effects in movies of the time were limited, and had to rely more on creativity.

Personally, I find this movie to be quite watchable, even by today's standards. Most movies of this genre today rely far too much on CGI, and are so over done in this area with special effects, that they border on ridiculous. But I get it; that's what the audience wants to see.

But I would be hesitant to compare this movie to anything that MST3K spoofed. The movies that they chose were generally terrible, low budget B movies, that were usually a laughing stock to most, even at the time that they first appeared.


It wasn't that low-budget in the end. Among other disastrous decisions they forced, the studio beefed it from 4mil to 16 on the condition that the producers went to 3D... halfway through pre-production!
The advantage that brought was some serious talent who either were or have since become some of the big names in their industry. Their contributions made for a fantastic film... right before the studio edited out half the good bits!

Also, this is geared around being a PG/12 rated film for sci-fi kids (which I was when it came out) so as Wanton says, it's not really MST3k material from what I know of them.

The Spacehunter Forum:


Thanks for the additional info ttaskmaster!

I'll have to see if I can find this movie and watch it again, as it's been so many years, I can't even recall if I have seen it in its entirety?


DVDs are usually peanuts on Amazon.
If you're a shamelessly gushing fanboy like me (no, really, it's my favourite film) then you can get it on VHS, Betamax, Laserdisc, Videodisc, DVD... and even a DRM-questionable Japanese import DVD with both the anaglyph and field-sequential modes of 3D!!

If you want to know more - what the original story was, what was so good about it, why it turned out so differently, etc - then there's a fan forum in my cunningly discrete signature below...

The Spacehunter Forum:


Thanks! I'll check it out.

Sometimes you get lucky and find the full movie on youtube, though I haven't actually searched for it yet?


Ripped or uploaded versions seem to end up quite dark, for some reason.
DVD picture is better quality anyway, but the settings are correctly balanced as well.

The Spacehunter Forum:


I agree with the OP. Don't get me wrong I LOVE this movie but the MST3K crew could have had a blast with it!


For your information SPACEHUNTER: ADVENTURES IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE is a good movie. And yes it may have been awesome had this been on MST3K. Or possibly Rifftrax if luck is on our side.


For your information SPACEHUNTER: ADVENTURES IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE is a good movie.

It would have been better if they'd stuck to the original edit, though... and I say this as possibly the biggest fan of the flick!


I'm glad they never did. Otherwise this board would be flooded with obnoxious MST3K fanboy dorks raving about how "funny" the episode mocking this film was.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!
