What gives with the PG rating?

I recently bought the Pursuit pack at Walmart. Me and my girlfriend had been talking about movies each of us had not seen, and I said Smokey and the Bandit, and she was like what is that? It was flabergasted, since this was the movie that obsessed me with Trans Ams, well I have to give Knight Rider half the credit also. But back on track, I hadn't watched part 1 and 2 in forever, and I dont think I ever saw part 3 because it didnt have Burt Reynolds, no Bandit no movie right? So I decided to watch all three again, not on the same day mind you. So part 1 and 2 were almost like I remembered, but part 3 really sucked, and was It just me or in part 3 there is alot of Female frontal nudity. There was many many instances were you could cleary see the whole breast of the actresses, in the hotel scene and in the nudist scene. I expected just shoulder up shots and boom you got to see everything. Shouldnt that have warranted a more mature rating? MadMax 2 had a two very short sequences where breasts were shown and it got a R rating, probably for the violence also but still what gives?


i think it should have been given an R rating



I completely agree...I am wondering how this happened because I received the triple pack for Christmas and I'd just as soon have the first two. And I have to give Burt Reynolds credit for not doing a third movie.


They did the same crap with "The Wraith" by giving it a mere PG-13 rating, despite the nude breast scene where Charlie Sheen is making out with Sherlyn Fenn. Man did they show her naked DD cup breast. They even showed her naked breast nipple completely in the nude flesh. I would have given it an R rating for the nudity on that movie, too.


When this was realeased on VHS many years ago in the UK it was an '18' which I beleive is the same as an American 'R'.

I remember when I was young my parents recorded it off the TV for me as I loved the other 2 films. But when the nudey scenes came on they recorded over them with random programmes on at the same time on other channels! lol

To this date I have never scene the 'unedited version' but I have just ordered the pursuit pack from America!


The Ratings System used to be totally different. There was no Pg-13 so movies were either Pg or R. PG movies could show nudity and it was ok . Another movie with even more nudity is Sheena which has female fully frontal but is rated PG. Now a days You can't even show half a breast without people crying bloody murder.


this movie was very taboob.

What is wrong with boobs?
I mean seriously, geez. The kids you are
trying to hide them from were not just years ago
VERY aquainted with them.

We all know what they look like,
we all know they are a part of life.

If it wasnt for those laxly rated movies,
children might end up finding about sexuality
through more disturbing and equally perception skewing,
then these mere glimpses of it seen on these films.

I.e. The very thing you used to veiw this diatribe.
The internet.

We all have better things to worry about
then a couple boobies in movies.

To respond to the poster above me, I agree the ratings were
more lax, but the content was equally as timid, regardless
of nudity. Current programs and movies introduce sex in
such an unpassionate and misconstrued manner that
I am baffled as to what the younger generation must think about it.


first off...

was "DIATRIBE" on your word-of-the-day calendar this morning? big words don't make you right, they just make you less relevant.


what's shocking about Smokey III isnt the boobs, lots of PG movies have slipped in a boob or two. whats shocking is full frontal beaver, bucko. and while yes, we all must have seen one on the day we were born, it is incongrous with our understanding of what motion picture ratings will and will not allow to rent a PG movie and see a bunch of full frontal nudity.

i've heard that originally movies were given only two ratings: G or PG. G meant kids could go by themselves and PG meant they couldn't. but things got more complicated and they added X and then R and then PG-13 after The Temple of Doom showed a human heart torn out of a man's chest. there are literally HUNDREDS of old PG movies that should be re-rated as PG-13 or R, who knows why they don't hire someone to do that.

If you think about it, the first Smokey movie has WAY too much cursing for a modern PG film. PG means something entirely different now than it did back in the day.


(The orginal) Gone In 60 Seconds also had too much cursing for a modern PG movie. Isn't it sad what these ratings have come to


Well the PG-13 rating didn't exist until "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" came out. The scene where the guy gets his heart ripped out was deemed too violent for a PG but, sincethe rest of the film wasn't bloody or used foul language it couldn't be given an R; so PG-13 was invented. I think in the old days as long as a movie didn't use the F-word, had little or no bloodshed or showed any long sequences of female nudity it got a PG. Notice there is an instance in the original "Smokey" where Jackie gleason says "F-off" to the trooper who raises his voice to him and it gets bleeped by a truck horn.
