Is that really Jerry Reed?

I swear, judging by his looks in the first two Smokies, I don't really see how that could be him in the third one. He sounds pretty much the same but he acts alot differently and his looks have totally changed.

This movie was out in 1983, as was Stroker Ace, in which Reed has a cameo in the Credits/outtakes, where he's dressed as the Snowman from Smokey & the Bandit I and II, but those movies came out in '77 and '80 which is a bit confusing. He must've had a really really fast makeover!

This is my signature, nice eh?


Funny thing. When I was a kid living in Tenessee, I saw Jerry Reed in concert and while he played the themesong from Smokey and the Bandit, he said nothing about this movie coming out. I discovered it was playing the next day.


He was heavily made up for the movie since he was the Bandit this time. To go from Burt Reynolds to Jerry Reed, they had to do something! So they had Reed try to look and act like Burt.

FEMA = F--- Every Minority in America.
