I have never seen S+tB 3but...

Almost all of the reviews on this movie are that it was a horrible sequel to an okay sequel to a great classic. I own the originial Smokey and the Bandit, and it still makes me laugh. The second one is okay, but not worth owning. I can only imagine how bad 3 is considering the reviews. I want to see it, just to see for myself. A good thing about 3 is that it is only 1 hour 25 minutes long, so it should be tolerable to sit through, even if it is bad. I also hear there is frontal female nudity in it, so that is a definite plus. Now if I could only find this movie to rent or purchase very cheap...


It's not really bad. Just because Reynolds and Field aren't in it, it gets a bad rap (how do you say that...heh heh).

There are even more stunt scenes and explosions than there are in the first 2 films, and the music is crisp and clear, and very southern-like. And the nudity, a bit of that is good once in a while, makes the movie watchable :)

Sure, it doesn't come close to the first one, but it's a fun movie and I continue to enjoy watching it every so often.

This is my signature, nice eh?




Have you gotten the Pursuit Pack yet? It contains all 3 films on one DVD.


The trilogy is like $14 at walmart on one DVD, the aforementioned Pursuit Pack



I believe it, because (as you know) sequels are pretty much guaranteed money from people who are fans of the earlier installments.


Don't see it. Your eyes will never forgive you, no matter how good Jackie Gleason is Every now and then film makers make one sequel too many. Anything after the original Jaws. Anything after Superman II. And this movie.


u should go and watch it one of the best not as good as smokey and the bandit 1 but a little better than 2 for once it just got that bit more take a look son cause ur cb buddys have got ur back door thats a big 10-4


SATB 3 is by far the worst of all 3. I dont even know why they bothered making the 2nd and 3rd ones because they both suck. As for the 3rd one how can you even call it smokey and the bandit without burt reynolds even in it. i mean come on.


It is one of the worst films ever made by a major studio. I will never understand why Jackie Gleason signed on for this piece of crap. The film is so bad even Burt Reynolds had the sense to skip it.


I personally liked Smokey 3 better than Smokey 2 cause it was funnier and faster paced and it had more car chases, plus Jackie Gleason and Mike Henry were at their best reprising their roles as Buford T. Justice and Junior respectively, while Smokey 3 didn't have Burt Reynolds and Sally Field you should at least enjoy Smokey 3 if you're a fan of the first two movies but don't expect too much out of it, I'm a big fan of the early 80s movies myself.


No Reynolds, no Fields, no trucks, no sweet police chases. It just didn't give closure to a great series. As mentioned, a terrible, horrid sequel to a good sequel of one of the best movies ever.


God daing, y'all. This film is one HECK of a good ol' boy film.
Actually sorry about that. Am a Brit who got a lil...Carried away.

Smokey 3 is actually a really good film.
The plot is clever and the ending is aswell. B.T.Justice would rather pursue the Bandit till the end of his days than retire with his "Tick Turd" of a son.

The stunts are fast and action packed:
Smashing though the American Flag
Ploughing through a milk truck
The infamous cannon bound
Two-wheel driving
I don't know what it's called but that manouver where Cledus double fishtails the pursuing cars

God knows how they made the final BufordMobile. The bare black, bodyless skeleton of it. The way they actually had it moving...

Speaking of moving was the comical failure of Junior's lines to his daddy. All about he'll love him even if he is an embarassment to the dept.
Buford's line about his "Son" ('Cause he always states he never came from his loins) about "He's dumb....But a loveable sh*t.

I think Smokey 1 was ma fave but, as many of you stated, Smok3y was better than Smokey and the BandIIt.

Also my Radio Times guide stated that Smok3y got an 18 rating. PLEASE tell me this was/is a typo!


According to the DVD case its rated 15 over here in the UK. I personally think that it's a watchable film; obviously the first Smokey is the best, then its a real toss-up between 2 and 3...
3 Is the obvious choice as the worst, as it has no Reynolds in the lead role.... BUT think carefully.... 2 had an infuriating elephant!


I much prefer Smokey 3 over Smokey 2 cause it's funnier and faster paced, I thought that the motions that Burt Reynolds and Sally Field were going through were somewhat unbearable to watch and the Bandit was a total jerk in Part 2, plus I could've done without the elephant, at least it Smokey 3 Jackie Gleason gets a bigger role and Junior gets more lines and he was at his total dumbest.


I agree. The funniest is where Junior gets his face painted white by a road line-grafter. Buford's comment after that is priceless.

"Put on a lil' lipstick, I'll drop you off at a gay bar"

My dad DETESTS the films I watch. Paticularly sequels. (I used to enjoy Police Academy so I can see his p.o.v now) But he loved that line.

The song at the end of the film was...I dunnow...Wasn't "Upity Country".
It was, like, Emo with a banjo. It seemed kinda...down. Soz about all the dots. I always seem to break alot.
