Favorite quotes

Even though it's not nowhere as good as the original, or even part 2, there are still alot of great memorable quotes. Here are the ones that get me every time:

Buford T. : "He's dumb, but a lovable s h i t."


Junior: "Daddy, I'm scared!"
Buford: "I know, I can smell it."


Buford: "You woman's lib sum bitch!"


Cledus: "I now pronounce you bassett, & bassett. Fred that means you're gonna hafta half-a$$ it, ehhhh hehh hehhehhehh."


Buford: "Junior, retirement is cat s h i t. Let's get the Enises."


Buford: ...."All of the lawmen, of the justices, had six sense..."

Junior: "That's too bad."

Buford: "What's too bad about having six sense?"

Junior: "Well that's not even a dime."



Buffords car break down with a bang

Junior "Whats wrong"?

Bufford "gas"

Junior "oh must have been that sandwich you bought at the gas station"

Bufford "Not my belly the tank, were gonna have to push, you push i'll steer"

Junior "oh we can do that easy Daddy"

Bufford "whats this we crap?, you know i have a double hernia..you push i'll steer"

Junior "Oh thank you daddy i knew you would help me"

(junior gets out and pushes)

Bufford "Hes dumb...but a lovable *beep*


Buford: "When she put on her sheet, she looked like an iceberg with feet."

Buford: "Get back Junior before you get a herpes on you."

Buford: "Give me the good ol' days when a pair of boobs were a couple of dumb guys."

Buford: "Looks like your momma. Smells like your momma too."


*after gets sprayed with white paint.

Junior: Daddy, my face is all white
Buford: Put a little lipstick on and I'll drop you off at the gay bar

I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned that quote yet!
