Definately Better than Smokey 2.

I'm coming down off of a three-day smokey the bandit marathon, which started due to an obsession with trucks and a newfound awareness of trucking movies, and I have to say that despite what everyone says... this movie was far far better than smokey 2.

All I wanted was car chases and jumps and crashes. What did smokey 2 give me? Dom Deluise and damn elephant. Where were the chases? Where was the action? It was all replaced with *beep* comedy.

They were both Awful on different levels, but honest to god... smokey 3 wins this round.

More importantly... how did a movie rated PG get so much nudity in it? 1983 was pretty cool... we were like france then, weren't we? Nudity for all. More power.



To admit it I have to agree with you that it's alot better than Smokey 2, it was faster paced and it was nice seeing Buford T. Justice and Junior getting more screen time and it sure was nice not having to deal with Bandit being a total jerk throughout the movie like we did on the second one, plus the movie was faster paced and less dramatic than the second one, while the third one isn't as good as the original but I'll gladly take it over the second one anyday


Dear rjsaid: I've often wondered how SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT 3 got a [PG] rating with so much nudity and profanity myself. What a hoot! Remember the [PG-13] rating came out a year later in 1984 so that option was not available at the time. Otherwise this SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT 3 might have deservedly received a [PG-13]. I've always liked the movie, even though it's bad. Gleason's car blowing up at the end I still think is hilarious.

SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT 2 was and is really bad. Easily the worst of the 3 Smokey films in my book. Whoever constructed the script for Part 2 needs to be thrashed and beaten. Ugh! At least SMOKEY 3 wasn't boring.



Part 2 is boring as hell. Someone even pointed out that it made no sense for Bandit to be running blocker for the semi, because what they were doing was perfectly legal. I can't watch part 2. Part 3 had much more action and chases, but is so badly made and such a hack-job that it makes me depressed to watch it.


smokey and the bandit 3 might be the best of the series. It is more entertainin then the others


I'm sorry, but I have to say 3 is the worst of the bunch. I cant stand watching it.



I also think III was way better than II.
Neither can surpass the original, but then again what movie can (outside of the Road Warrior, perhapse).
But then again, what do I know, I still think Rocky V is much better than Rocky IV.


I just watched this one for the first time in 20+ years. I saw it on TV as kid. I remember not liking it much. I am not a big fan of Smokey II. But this was the easily the worst movie I have seen this year. It is by far the worst in the series. No Burt, no catchy Jerry Reed tune. I don't know if Reed actually sang a song in this, cuz if he did, it wasn't catchy. There was more action than 2. But there was less substance, and 2 lacked that. I hope they paid Gleason a boat load of money to star in this POS.


I agree!

"If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me."


Although I agree that Smokey & the Bandit 2 was a boring mess, at least it didn't have Colleen Camp ruining what little comedic dialog did exist, like she did in part 3.
Seriously, does anyone think she was even slightly amusing?
I know part of the blame is the crappy script, but her delivery sucked the puss out of a gopher's rectum.
The only saving grace is the car chases, but otherwise, both 2 and 3 are awful, pale imitations of the first film.
Gleason's lines kept getting dumber and less funny as the films progressed...

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain


After reading all the posts I checked out the SATB trilogy again and have to agree that 3 is better than 2. 2 had more drama than I remembered and 3 was mostly so stupid it's funny slapstick but that's what I like. Plus the nudity wasn't bad either.


I would have to say that the first Smokey And The Bandit was the best out of the three and then second would go to Smokey And The Bandit 3 and last place is the second Smokey And The Bandit movie.

Jackie Gleason was hilarious! I always thought he was great playing Ralph Cramden in the Honeymooners! It is a shame that they had to ruin the classic show by creating Honeymooners with Cedric The Entertainer! I mean like Come on get the character correct if you are going to do a remake!

I loved the car chases in this movie! They were absolutely great to watch! It is a shame that Burt Reynolds did not have a bigger role in this movie you know. I loved watching Smokey And The Bandit as a kid because when any of these three movies would come on we were at a neighbors house wathcing them!

Those were the good old days when growing up was great you know!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!
