Was this Smokey and the Bandit 4?

I remember when I was growing up we watched a film on TV that claimed to be Smokey and the Bandit 4, but I can't find it on IMDB or remember anything about it, except a Trans Am black car.


I know Burt Reynolds or somebody from his generation was promoting the new "Bandit" series in 1994-95, that featured some guy named Brian Bloom as the Bandit.



I saw one of the Brain Bloom Bandit movies & it stunk. They tried to revive Bandit with a new actor but no-one can replace the real Bandit played by Burt Reynolds. Only Burt Reynolds plays a great bandit, every other one weren't too good.


Wasn't that the one where they had a red semi truck hauling a fladbed trailor around?

I think I remember that one, but there didn't seem to be any high-speed pursuits if I recall. Instead, the Bandit was catching criminals. Kinda like a modern Dukes of Hazzards.


A red semi truck ? Might of been "BJ and the Bear".


I think this could be Speed Zone! (1989), which also was at some point 3rd Cannonball Run



So part 4 could be the TV show?

Remember people, in ways this IS part 4. There is a lost version of Smokey IS The Bandit out there that was the first part 3.
