MovieChat Forums > Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 (1983) Discussion > Were You A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT? If Y...

Were You A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT? If You Were Then Needing Your Help!

I remember when they use to show Smokey And The Bandit 3 on USA UP ALL NIGHT on the USA Network back in the day on the weekends! USA UP ALL NIGHT was a great show to watch at one time when it was on the USA Network until they changed their programming and got rid of this great show.

They would show movies like this and other movies that were different like B movies, cult classics, horror movies, and a few mainstream movies as well! The hosts were hilarious and very comical to watch!

Who can ever forget about that beautiful long legged blond named Rhonda Shear who hosted the show on Friday nights? Then on Saturday nights there was Gilbert Gottfried who cracked you up just rambling about anything and everything including the movies that they showed.

A friend and I created a website dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show. If you loved watching the kind of movies and the hosts that did this show then check out the website to take a walk down through memory lane. While you are there do not forget to sign the petition so we can get this great show on again!

Oh and by the way let your family and friends know about the website that is located where my signature is and have them sign it as well because the more signatures that we get then it increases our chances of getting this great show back on the weekends again!

Thanks again!


Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I was like 10 (1990?) when I used to watch up all night, I actually sent in to the Rhonda Sher fan club lol, and the next thing I know I get this plan envelope in the mail from the fan club, and you could buy sh*t like rhonda's undies and foot fetish things and stuff, of course me being a kid was like wtf!! but she was hot and I knew that fer sure :-p I might have been younger, I can't remember what timeline that show had year wise, but i was born in 80, so do the math if you know the years, and you'll know what I was thinking when I watched (and got the letter from the fan club)..



WOW Lucky you man! Hey I know you did not know at that time about the things that by joining the fan club and what you received. If I would have known that I would have joined back then. I was 18 years old in 1990. I always thought Rhonda was hot! It is a shame that she is married now because if she was still on the market I would have loved to have hooked up with her you know. This show was great and it is needed back on again. That is what I feel and so does Rhonda Shear as well. See I belong to her Rhonda Shear Fanatics on Yahoo group and I will receive from time to time email from her and other people as well. Thanks for signing and helping out guy! I appreciate it!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I could be mistaken, but weren't there some pornos showed on USA Up All Night, with the sex footage edited out?


Yes you are correct but I would call them more like soft porn though.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!
