anyone else notice..

..that not ONCE in this film is Jerry Reed seen without his sunglasses on? And that he's so rail thin it looks like he hadn't eaten in a month? Fast forward to his small role in The Waterboy and he's pudgy.


He's also 20 years older in the waterboy


well, 15 to be more exact, but it's a good point. Still, he looks emaciated in this one. Maybe the only reason he signed onto this crappy film is so he can afford to buy some food.


Well, i thought he looked quite slim in Smokey Part 3 too...just too bad
this very good singer (and quite talented actor, if good casting and screenplay)
doesn't do movies anymore. I'd like to see him on big screen again. I quite liked him in Waterboy...
...and bad that the bandit series had to end with a quite bad movie like this.

I hope for a new Firebird 2008...maybe a good reason to bring Bandit back to life...but i don't know. The old actors are quite aged...and i don't want a remake with other actors.


Nope. The Firebird is long dead and so is this franchise.


I think you're right that he signed on to this film so he could afford to buy something. I'm just not sure that it was food.


Jerry Reed DOES in fact take off his sunglasses in SATB 3! The scene where they stop & get cheeseburgers, when all the bikers are there, he talks to one of them before going inside, he clearly takes off his sunglasses.


Oh yeah, did anyone else notice on the side of the tow truck that Junior rides on, it says "23 1/2 hour service?" Heh heh.


Oh, does anyone think that the sheriff in the "county of Fannen" poice car looking at the nudie magazine looked alot like a young Jose Canseco?

And in the original, Snowman runs over the motorcycles after the fight, and the gas attendant says "far out," and the hippie guy with the tire in part 3 says the same thing when the Fannen sheriff flips & crashes.

And after the Enises blow up Buford's car near the end, it's still going, but the right side tires aren't flat anymore after they get back on the highway, but they should still be.

Anything else you notice, post it here!


And the bandit's (Reed's) car never got any damage done to it, even though it did some pretty big jumps that would've damaged any other car. I think in Part II when they get out from under the roller coaster, when they land, you can clearly see the body of the car bend slightly.

It's interesting all through each movie how Buford's car gets more & more damage to it until it's practically nothing at the end, but they still all were running at the end! His car at the end of part II is just ludicrous!


I thought with the cowboy hat and sunglasses, he looked alot like Richard Petty.


Yes! I watched this last night, he does look incredibly like King Richard!

Oh, and why the tires aren't flat at the end, during the boat chase scene, Junior is seen changing the flat tires, I forgot about that part.


Why was there even a boat chase??? Wasn't Justice just wanting the shark? Cletus hopped in the boat and took off (leaving the shark in the car with Dusty) so all Justice had to do was walk over to the TA and grab the shark....Still a good pointless boat chase though. ("my groin, my groin")


Actually in one scene as the Jerry drives his Firebird under the bridge and hits a cone before hand if you look closely you can make out whats either a mark or most likley a dent on the passengers door. Also toward the end the rear license plate is for some reason pushed in like as if it were paper.
