MovieChat Forums > Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 (1983) Discussion > Questions about 'Smokey Is The Bandit'

Questions about 'Smokey Is The Bandit'

The title "Smokey Is The Bandit" sounds like the two lead roles (Smokey & The Bandit) are combined into one role so now Smokey is the Bandit (one role).

If it actually was two seperate roles (like in the first two films played by Jackie Gleason & Burt Reynolds) but in this film both played by Jackie Gleason.
My question is - Why would that be confusing? Did they only have morons at the previews?
If Smokey & The Bandit are combined into one role as in Smokey is the Bandit that "might" be confusing.

And where are all these people from those previews? I can answer this one - If they are confused by dual roles they are probably confused by computers, telephones, books, doorknobs or whatever & are probably still wondering around homeless trying to figure out why The Bandit looked just like Smokey.

Now the next point - let's say the film was made with Jackie Gleason in dual roles as both Smokey & the Bandit or both roles combined into one where Smokey is the Bandit and it didn't work, so Jerry reed was brought in to either replace Jackie Gleason as the Bandit or just added to the film as the Bandit.
Most people wonder why no footage, why no stills, why no proof at all and some people think Jackie Gleason or his estate brought up all the proof.
My question is - Why would Jackie Gleason or his estate do that?


There is atleast one photo of Gleason dressed as the "Bandit" floating around. I have it saved on my laptop. Plus, if you read the links of the articles posted in various newspapers at the time, the production team even states the Gleason would be playing both roles.


Well, I'm not confused by any of the common items you mentioned, but the idea of Gleason playing Bandit is a bit confusing to me. My main question is; WHY? Was it one of Justice's idiot brothers from S&B 2? How could Bandit suddenly look like Justice?

HUMAN, HELL! I emptied a 15 round clip of hollow points into 'im and he barely FLINCHED!


If I had to guess as to how the idea came about would be that Jackie Gleason loved playing multiple roles. So, some genius thought that it would be a great idea to have him play both Buford T. Justice and the Bandit.



It was supposed to be called Smokey is the Bandit, but that's as far as it goes. Gleason never donned the bandit's clothing, played a dual role or anything remotely like that. The title was just thought up becuase instead of chasing the bandit, Buford now became the one who was racing against time and being chased, that's it.



Dave Cass, the 2nd unit director did comment about this film in another thread. He stated that it was filmed with Gleason playing both roles and the studio ordered the change so they went back and added Jerry Reed as "Bandit".


That's pretty definitive. Case closed, IMO. Now, if we could just get access to that footage...


This is incorrect. I'm sure you've seen the other threads with the picture of him as the Bandit and the movie trailer too.


Im not sure if your asking this how im thinking

but the original plan was no bandit, just Jackie Gleason

But screen tests left the audience wanting more so they got Cletus back for some added scenes.


That is not true, it was originally filmed with Gleason playing both roles and th studio decided to have it reshot and brought in Jerry Reed to play the Bandit.


I don't think they mean the test audiences were confused by the simple fact of an actor playing a dual role. But Jackie Gleason was supposed to be playing THE Bandit, the same character that Burt Reynolds played. So imagine you were watching The Bandit, a suave, athletic, good-looking guy played by one of the biggest stars in the world at that time... now being played by Jackie Gleason. You would be saying "HUH? WHY? Who thought this was a good idea? Why am I here?", etc.

Also, someone found a still of Gleason as The Bandit in another thread. He looks exactly the same except his mustache is bigger and he's wearing the Bandit clothes (bigger size of course). So I can see how this could be somewhat confusing in a poorly written, poorly edited film.

George Carlin: It's all bullsh-t and it's bad for ya.


"someone found a still of Gleason as The Bandit in another thread"

It's just a picture of Jackie Gleason in a red shirt.

He's not wearing a sign that says "I am the Bandit"


Yeah, they typically don't wear signs in movies. If that's what you need to identify characters in films I don't know what to tell ya.

Also, note the mustache. Buford had a pencil thin mustache and Gleason himself kept a thin mustache in his older years.

George Carlin: It's all bullsh-t and it's bad for ya.


David Cass who worked the movie has posted on this board and confirmed they shot the original. I have also posted various articles confirming that test audiences saw the original version with Gleason as the Bandit.


Again, that's pretty definitive evidence. Why are people still being weird about this? It was initially filmed with Gleason in BOTH roles, then pickups were shot with Reed as the Bandit and inserted into the final cut of the film.


I know that I am totally confident that there is footage of Gleason playing both roles.
