Which Smokey and the Bandit movie did you like better between Part 2 or Part 3? I personally liked the third one better cause it was faster paced and Jackie Gleason was at his best playing Buford T. Justic and Mike Henry also was at his best playing Buford's dimwitted son Junior, plus it was also a lighthearted comedy like the original was.
Part 3 is better only because it's got way more chases and action. Part 2 was boring, uninspired and stupid. I hate part 2, it starts good like it's going to be fun and exciting like the first, and then nothing much happens for the next hour and a half except for a lot of talking
"Which Smokey and the Bandit movie did you like better between Part 2 or Part 3?" Bandit 2: as bad as it was, it had an excuse for a story, Sally Field, Jerry Reed, Dom Deluise and "Charlotte" to give it some reason for being made. And John Anderson looks eerily like somebody in D.C. now... You want more car chases, go to an auto race (your choice) and spend the day. For funny ones on film, see "Cannonball Run 1 & 2", "The Blues Brothers", "Used Cars" , "The Great Race" or "Gumball Rally", and maybe dozens if not hundreds more; for a great one, see "Bullitt". Bandit 3 was an unmitigated disaster, telling the same, now over-tired, story a third time without the Hal Needham/Brock Yates flair and the best parts of the cast-chemistry from Bandit 1 & 2.
"We could get a black Trans-Am...Nah, it's been done..."
Part 3. Granted, it's terrible. But it's definitely not boring. Pretty much all of 2 is boring save for the first 25 minutes and the showdown in the desert. well, actually those two parts are waaay better than part 3 as a whole. AND Jerry Reed was still playing the Snowman in part 2; not some coked-up Richard Petty lookalike.so.. uh.. part 2 i guess.
I thought the first 25 minutes of Smokey 2 and the showdown in the desert were good moments, I also liked the part where Junior was done using the bathroom, I was LMAO on that part.
I thought Jerry Reed did an mediocre job playing the bandit, I didn't think he was the right actor to play the bandit, I thought that if Burt Reynolds portrayed the bandit along with Sally Field coming back for the third movie it could've been a really good movie, it may not be a classic like the original but it would've definitely been a huge improvement over Smokey 2.
Growing up, I always thought part 2 was better. A few years ago, I watched the two films back to back with people who had known nothing of the Smokey and the Bandits before and had only just recently watched the first one. They were unanimous in finding Part 3 much, much better and much, much funnier. They universally thought Part 2 was the worse movie and basically found it unfunny and boring and thought the whole elephant theme was a terrible idea.
Ever since then, I've found myself agreeing more and more with them, and I enjoy part 3 more (even if it's technically a worse-made film in many ways) with each new viewing.
Neither. They're both awful. I would watch 3 if there was nothing else on just as I did not half an hour ago, but I'd rather watch paint dry than see 2 again.
HUMAN, HELL! I emptied a 15 round clip of hollow points into 'im and he barely FLINCHED!
Part 2 just rubbed me the wrong way and it always will. I guess the producers wanted to show the dark side of the Bandit fame and then go back to the Bandit roots towards the end and go back to showing off, yet it was too little too late and poorly written at that.These movies aren't meant to be introspective, they are meant for leaving your brain at the door and having fun.
Part 3 tried its best to be entertaining despite not having someone as important as Burt Reynolds who IS and always will be the Bandit.Part 3 is a bad movie,sure. However, it doesn't take itself seriously and is very entertaining; which is good enough in my book for the price of admission and as a Bandit movie fan.
Part 3 wasn't a very good movie, but Part 2 was FAR worse. It's been quite a few years since I've seen Part 2, but if I remember correctly, it was about a pregnant elephant, and too serious of a story line between Reynolds and Field. I don't remember any fun with that movie. Part 3 is without Reynolds and Field, and Jerry Reed was certainly not a lead actor, but Jackie Gleason still provided some decent laughs with his one liners.
I also thought Junior was at his funniest in this movie because he seemed to be dumber and more entertaining in this film, I also noticed Junior had more lines in Part 2 than the original.
Also is it just me or was Buford T. Justice not as mean and angry towards Junior in the sequels like he was in the original?