Dubbed Dialogue

I just saw this one a few hours ago. At one point Justice is telling the nympho something like he isn't interested "party time", but Gleason's mouth clearly says "poontang". Wonder why they did that? Poontang isn't all that offensive a word.

HUMAN, HELL! I emptied a 15 round clip of hollow points into 'im and he barely FLINCHED!


Back in 1983 they had no PG-13 rating and this movie is pretty racy and would be rated R in today's standard. So, they trimmed some salty language to secure a PG rating.


It also appears that they dubbed Justice calling his son a "moose twat" into "moose twit". It kind of sounds like someone else other than Gleason doing the dubbing.

Polls... One of the Main Stream Media's Jedi Mind Tricks.


Yeah, there's definitely a couple of overdubs of Buford's language in Part 3. Watch the movie a couple times and it becomes very apparent it's MOOSE TWAT instead of "Moose Twit" and "Poontang" instead of the lame "Party Time".


There's also a scene where Smokey's car in racing and you can hear a voice that sounds like Gleeson's go "Aww Junior, we're gonna make a lot of time now" but I seriously doubt it's even Gleesons voice?


Gleason did none of the overdubbing in the movie.
