Quick ending question

Was the man at the end who says "GO" anyone of significance? Was he a famous personality or just a random person? I thought that was a bit out of place but somehow loved that scene (short as it was).

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Was he supposed to be one of the engineers? I don't think it was a cameo as he was too young to have worked on the real project.


He was one of the reporters... those cicadas always running around asking idiot questions.


I think he was a reporter, but he could be any person yelling for him like we would yell at the ball carrier running down the field towards the goal, or a horse you've bet on in a race. You just yell GO!

I love that scene, too.


Character is a reporter who has been them the entire program and has seen his share of failures. Now finally a man in space with a successful launch and orbit and ultimately re-entry. Love this Film!
