good stuff

I was just watching the revenge of the ninja theatrical trailer that comes in the dvd and i noticed some cool and dissapointing things. In the trailer it shows two cops in camo on top of a building with sniper rifles or guns with scopes and they shoot at braden, braden then shoots and arrow into one of the snipers neck. another part in the trailer shows cathy at a desk in her underwear thing and she turns around and screams because braden is behind her in his ninja uniform with a sword,it then shows the sumo servant (tanaka) holding her and braden takes the sword and cuts her underwear thing down the the front of her chest. also there is a quick scene where you see cops running in camo which isnt in the movie. I think these are cool yet dissapointing because i would like to have this movie that has an optional selection for deleted scenes. But Otherwise i cant complain this movie is absolutely incredible. does anybody know if these scenes are in the vhs edition? i havent seen the vhs edition in a long time but i am soon going to order it because revenge of the ninja is well worth having on both formats. Thanks.


Yeah I felt the same way you did when I saw the trailer. Too bad MGM couldn't have given one of the most underrated action films out there a little better DVD treatment.

At least the extra violence (Braden chopping the guard's hand off and the extended blood gushing out of Braden's heart at the end) was put back in.

The old VHS print had these scenes cut out but I would think the new print should be the same as the current DVD release.

I also saw this on TV and there was a scene where Cho was practicing in his dojo with a spear and doing all these cool moves.

Yeah, there's definitely some footage of this movie that got left on the cutting room floor I'm dying to see brought back in some form.


I read the reason they didn't put that footage on the dvd is because the film got lost or damaged.


Ya that does make sense.Its a bummer though.


Ya, I watched this when I was a kid. It was pretty good. I had a big crush on that girl. Damn they shouldn't of cut out the scene where her thong is getting cut. At least put it back in.


How could it be the film was damaged or lost if they are able to air it on cable TV with those scenes intact? Couldn't they blend it in? i want to buy cathy's panties :)


Those extra scenes in the trailer have never been in the Cable TV version, only the little snippet of Cho doing the spear thing is the only extra I've ever seen.
