fight scenes

many have criticized the fight scenes calling them *beep* etc.

I for one have found them better than most holywood bullcrap produced nowadays, the sounds are a bit over kill, but the camera angles are good and provide a clear view of what is happening. the acting is crap, but hey, its a pretty funny movie.

It succeeds like the matrix (first one) does by giving you an ass kicking feeling once watched.


For the most part, the fight scenes rock. Yeah of course there is some 80's cheese in there, but no wires back then, just some trampolines for the flips.


man i love the fights, they are brutal as Hell, even though they are cheesy in places like when Cho fights the henchmen dressed as the village people, the sequence after they all fly out of the van windshield just rocks SO hard! and again the fight in the playground (with more village people rejects) combines brutality with flashy moment so well. You're watching a master at work! Speakign of which, ever see the TV show "the Master" where Kosugi has some great fights, as well as hilariously doubling for Lee Van Cleef? Great fun!



At least he acknowledged it was a dumb movie, just happenned to be one he liked. Your problem is that you actually think films you like like Van Helsing are brilliantly made and quality movies.

Really? Worst film you ever saw? Well, my next one will be better. Hello? Hello?


Exactly. This film IS cheesy and funny and silly, but the fights are AMAZING and really hardcore. I first saw this film when I was 11 and it was the 1st martial arts film I ever saw. I have huge affection for this film, Kosugi and other Cannon Movies. It may be dumb in places but it's a Hell of a lot of fun. As cyber says, you actually appear to think that Van Helsing is a GOOD film for real, which is blatantly ridiculous.
