Not sure if this is the movie I saw once
What I remember is the following.
Two fighters were brawling one on one using some balls of steel (like bowling balls) - they rolled them around and were moving like some crazy dancers.
A geisha was sleeping with an evil ninja and tried to kill him in bed with a knife (or some kind of spike) previously concealed beneath the sheet and later on she was whipped while being tied to some bars (as punishment).
Some ninja-girl was playing with a ninja-man throwing the dice. There was a deal: if one loses (by throwing the dice), this one must stick himself/herself with a knife (in a leg or arm), the girl-ninja did as agreed and injured her leg but the man cheated her. Another scene: a ninja was hunted by a few villains on a jeep.
Some evil-doers pushed the ninja from the cliff, he fell but somehow seized some jut. Then he very quickly undressed himself and threw his costume down the hill. The villains looked down and saw the ninja falling (it was the costume only) and satisfied left the place.
As time passes, the memories about such insane cinematic stuff seem to be unbelievable. Was it all really on celluloid? What movies are it all from (suppose these are different films)?
Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you very much.