Racist stereotypes.

Lol I loooooooove this movie..I'm watching right now.. but I'm laughing my ass off as each new character is introduced. It has Japanese people living practically in ancient japan, with ninja hiding in their bushes. We have Italian mafia members, White drug dealers, a Blonde whore, and a freakin native american, complete with leather vest and pig tails. Gotta love the 80's


LMFAO..not to mention they Ghetto YMCA gang member...HAHAHAHAH...they actually had a black guy with stereo headphones, a mexican biker, white guy with a shaved head and a cowboy with a purple feather in his hat lmao...that had to be the most unlikely group of friends hanging out at a public childrens park.



LMAO!! No Sh*t...not to mention, like you said, what are these people doing hanging out in childrens park?!?!


LMAO!! No Sh*t...not to mention, like you said, what are these people doing hanging out in childrens park?!?!

They're waiting for the "Y---M---C---A!" to open .

’Cause there’s thunder in your heart... Every move is like lightning!


If I'm not mistaken didn't the black guy have on rollerblades? Maybe I'm wrong, I'm going to watch this dvd tonight. I bet they were having an interesting conversation amongst themselves at the kiddie playground before Cho & company arrived.



He looked like that cat from the Heathcliff cartoons with the headphones and rollerskates. LOL! And don't forget to mention the indian had tomahawks too! "Scalp him!" LOL.



There were roller skates back then, but I don't think rollerblades existed yet.
