MovieChat Forums > Revenge of the Ninja (1983) Discussion > Sign the Enter the Ninja/Ninja III DVD P...

Sign the Enter the Ninja/Ninja III DVD Petition!

Hello fellow Cannon film fans! Please go to the following link and sign the Enter the Ninja, Ninja III: The Domination, Exterminator 2, and Avenging Force DVD Petition. Also please email MGM/Fox at [email protected] to bring these cult classics to DVD! We've got the second on entry on DVD with Revenge of the Ninja so why not Parts 1 and 3?


I got tired of waiting, so I downloaded Ninaj 1 and 3 off of youtube, along with Avenging Force and Pray for Death. Snooze you lose.


Revenge of the Ninja is ALREADY on DVD! I've got it and it's one of the top 2 or 3 greatest martial arts movies EVER!!


That's because Revenge of the Ninja is the greatest Ninja movie EVER!! The other 2 aren't as good although Ninja III wasn't too bad.


Pray for Death was one of the better ones.

"Welcome to Potter's Bluff."


Ninja III: The Domination had already been released on Blu-Ray/DVD combo. Now if we could only get the same for Pray For Death, Revenge of The Ninja and maybe American Ninja movies.
