MovieChat Forums > Revenge of the Ninja (1983) Discussion > Ninja 3 is better than this crap !

Ninja 3 is better than this crap !

Well, I just finished watching this movie, and let me tell you that it is really BAD.
I mean i like Ninja and martial art movies, i also remember watching Ninja 3 the domination about 6-7 years back, and i remember that it was a great ninja movie. But this piece of crap is a total waste of time.

It has poor acting, one of the worst acting i have ever seen, from the silly Mafia boss to the lame old japanese lady ( sho's Mom ), im not sure if these actors need to be paid, and im not sure if we can call them actors.
However, Sho does an acceptable job, Not bad !

It also has bad and poor fight scenes, the fights were slow, silly and most of the times you cant tell whats happening. they were also fake, its quit clear that Sho is not hitting his enemies, poor stunt performance,

And the editing of the film was also bad and poorly done, the film editing just jumps quickly from scene to scene.

I only gave this film 2 stars because of the hot blonde girl (cathy), and because the effort of Sho trying to make something out of it.

My advice to you guys is to stay away from this movie, Do'nt waste time nor money in watching this crap, if you want a really cool movie, just stick to Ninja 3 the domination, or watch 3 Ninjas (a kids movie ) which was better than this awful movie.

I just ca'nt wait for Ninja 3 to be realesed on DVD.


I have to disagree with you.

Yes the acting for the most part sucked, no arguements there. Was it full of cheesy scenes, with grandma doing sommersaults, absolutely.

The fighting for the most part looked pretty good, yes, there a few punches and kicks that look like they missed the mark, but they were mostly by Keith Vitali, the actor who played his cop friend.

The scene where Sho kicks thru the windshield is of the best all-time action shots in my opinion, even the way the glass broke was cool......

Ninja 3 - ninja have "supernatural" powers?? Gimme a break. The villian at the
golf course takes like 30 bullets for before he dies, ridiculous.

The special effects sucked, you can see strings pulling objects that are possessed by the bad guy and when swords are levitating, you can see the glass plates they're attached to hold them up.

Clearly Lucinda Dickey, who is gorgeous in the film, clearly had a stunt double for most of her fight scenes. The villian is Japanese but when he's fighting Sho at the end you can see it is Alan Amiel, a caucasion stunt double!

Want to see a better ninja film, watch Pray for Death.


Well, as i mentioned before i last saw ninja 3 about 6-7 years ago, and unfortunatley i don't own any more copies of it, although im dying to have a new copy, but i just can't find any.
Anyhow, so its been long since i last saw it,however i don't really remember the things u mentioned about the strings and glass plates that hold the objects. But i do remember that the fight scenes were faster and more elaborate than the fight scenes in Revenge of the ninja.
I remember when the ninja starts killing the cops in the cememtery was so cool and thrilling, also the last fight scene on top of the hill was great.

I have not seen Pray of death, i hope it is as good as u say, because i like ninja movies and unfortunatley i can't find any good ninja movies out there, if u have any other recommendations or other good ninja movies u know please tell me..



"Pray for Death" was probably the best Ninja movie of the 80s! Little know fact: "Pray for Death" was given an "X-rating" at the time for violence and a rape scene -- they cut the scenes of extra violence and the rape scene out to obtain the R-rating.


Yeah, I forgot about that scene. His mask made out of the two blades looked really cool.


Do yourselves a solid and check out the authentic Ninja 3, and the rest in the 1960's DAIEI Studios classics, "Shinobi no mono". But avoid any HK version! You can read about them first at Sho blows... RAIZO RULES!



The writing and acting had a lot to be desired, but don't forget who directed it, Golan Globus. Yet they are campy and fun regardless.


are you for real mister?


I have to disagree. Revenge was probably my favorite of the trilogy. I remember seeing Ninja 3 in the theater and then when it came on cable, my buddy recorded it (he was the first person I know to have a VCR) and we watched it a bazillion times. I used to be able to recite that movie word for word, as well as point out most of the mistakes (and there were plenty). I liked it, but I still always liked Revenge much more.


You completely missed what is so good about this movie. This movie is so bad that it is BRILLIANT ! I love everything about this movie, the bad acting, the terrible script, unrealistic action scenes, somersaulting grannies, hot tub drownings, toilet killings and robot ninjas !!! SUPERB


You completely missed what is so good about this movie. This movie is so bad that it is BRILLIANT ! I love everything about this movie, the bad acting, the terrible script, unrealistic action scenes, somersaulting grannies, hot tub drownings, toilet killings and robot ninjas !!! SUPERB


Enter the Ninja was crap. This was so bad it was awesome.

Very good. But brick not hit back!


Ninja 3 is horrible. That is all.
