Things I loved about this movie!!!
Oh my god! I just watched this movie on DVD for the first time in like over 15 years. HILLARIOUS! Golam and Globus at thier cheesy best! Some of my favs are:
The Indian thug!?! Complete with red woolen shirt, leather vest, moccasains and tomahawks???
The slutty blond who shows up to train wearing NO PANTS or underwear and in front of the kid too!!
The 18 year old, 95lb stuntwoman doing the double backflip for the 4ft tall fat japanese grandma!!! hahahhahahaaa!
The millionare mob boss having a picnic at a ghetto park where apparently nobody else goes. (i also like the fact that his 3-piece suit and shoes fit in a 9x13 briefcase)
The Village People street gang at the park which was obviously thrown in the movie to get one more action scene in before the ninja vs ninja finale. And watch the cowboy right before the fight starts, he grabs his junk and adjusts it!!!
The full-size ninja decoy manequin used in the final fight that the evil ninja was hiding in his.......?
How about the scene in the hottub where he blow-guns the guy and simply holds the girl under water with the handle of his sword while she SHOWS NO RESISTANCE WHATSOEVER! It also takes her all of 1.5 seconds to drown.
The slutty blond again being slutty as she stands in her wet tank top, no bra of course, and see-through panties as she makes a phone call HOLDING her robe but not putting it on!!! AWESOME!!!
The best part is i probably missed like 20 others! Add to this list if you think of anything i misses.