Jedi Rocks?
anyone think the addition is bad?
shareYes. Its horrible.
shareLiterally everything that was added in the special editions is bad.
shareThe Special Editions are the ONLY way to get Star Wars legally these days, and to be honest, they are the reason why I have Revenge of the Sith, to provide context for the changes. I used to defend Phantom Menace and Clones but now acknowledge them to be either boring or childish CRAP, so I don't have those.
I actually made my own version of the OT by slicing together ( and cutting some things) moving the audio around to match 3 different versions of the films. The "despecialized" edition, Blu ray and DVD version. It is not perfect (ANH is still not perfect because the Mos Eisley scene has too much going on to splice it well and the despecialized version does not have good enough color on the outdoor scenes to justify using it). But ESB IMO I have done perfectly.
shareI'm too lazy and not a big enough fan to do that sort of thing. Besides, I like a lot of the changes Lucas made.
It was not so bad; altogether it took me about 10 hours stretched over a month 30 minutes at a time here or there. I wish I could fix up the Mos Eisley scene (I was able to fix the Han vs Greedo scene and removed the Jabba Scene but kept the blu ray visual quality). It is not 100% where I want it to be but 'good enough'.
"Besides, I like a lot of the changes Lucas made"
Really, that puts you in a very small minority; most people despised the changes. There are a few I am okay with; such as the graphic touch up (like the Falcon taking off the first time or the Death Star battle touched up with CGI) these I am okay with because the theatrical version does look a bit dated so the touched up graphics I think are 'good'. But what changes did Lucas make that you liked?
It'd be easier to say what I DIDN'T like:
Greedo shoots first: I give up on this one, it's been mutilated so much that I don't care what other decision Lucas makes when he FINALLY makes up his mind.
Jabba in ANH: The scene seems pointless, and it does recycle dialogue that was perfectly sufficiently relayed not two minutes before in the previous scene. Lucas only blatantly added it to show off his creature CGI, which changes between revision, and to add some drama-deflating humour when Han "steps on his tail".
Jedi Rocks in ROTJ: I don't really like the tune nor the way it's played, and I could go without seeing the drool in that big-mouthed alien's... mouth. Lapti Nek was a better tune.
Vader's new NOOOO against Palpatine: This change and pointless addition severely damaged the iconic scene where Anakin sees the light and turns on his master. I can only suppose that Lucas added it to "balance out" the similar scene in ROTS.
Anakin ghost at the end of ROTJ: This is, for me, the most contentious issue with Lucas' changes, as it is for many, because Luke saw old Anakin under the mask before he died, so why didn't he appear to Luke as that same old man? Ben and Yoda appear to Luke as they did when Luke knew them, so why not Anakin, too? I don't buy the hogwash about Anakin appearing as he did before he became Vader, because technically, Anakin was BACK WHEN HE DIED! It makes PERFECT SENSE to feature the newly-returned Anakin as the old man he was! I'm sure many new viewers of the OT SEs (who have not yet heard of the PT) will be confused as to who this evil-looking punk teen is (Hayden). Honestly, this was DUMB! And what's more, the take they used with Hayden made him look creepy, he didn't even smile naturally!
But aside from those, nothing else bothered me, that I can remember, at least.
Well in my version all those things were removed. Also removed are the over showing of the Wampa in the cave and Vader getting on his shuttle in ESB; both of those things were terrible additions and screw with the pacing of each scene.
I also took out the rocks in front of R2 D2 in ANH and restored the original sound of that scene so you hear the Krate dragon roar instead of the weird techno sound. I also removed as much of the extra CGI background creatures as I could as it was just crap that cluttered up the screen unnecessarily. With the exception of the Mos Eisley arrival scene, the "these aren't the droids you're looking for" scene I was just not able to find a good way to slice it without seriously downgrading the video/color quality.
Also the entirety of the Jampa's Palace and Sarlac scene in ROTJ are restored to the original but with the blu ray quality; for example no showing the rancor pit when the dancer is down there (completely unnecessary) and no stupid CGI beak on the Sarlac.
Oh I also restored the original Anakin Ghost, cut out the montage of showing planets celebrating but kept the special edition victory celebration instead of Yub-Nub song which I don't like.
I am quite pleased with my customized version.
What are Jedi rocks?
The opposite of Sith stones.
shareWorse than banned! I don't have a seat at the table! I'm sitting here watching everything fall apart and I'm on a fucking pay no mind list! Nimdas rubbing my fucking face in it right now! Talking to me on the boards when I should be guiding him in PM...this is FUCKED!
shareNah. I love this one. I think a lot of that has to do with Jabba the Hutt and the entire opening sequence. The rescue plan made little sense but it was still fun. I also liked the speeder bike chase through Endor and the final battle between Luke and Vader.