Wouldn't Luke ask about his mom?
In ANH Luke mentions that his father had been a navigator on a spice freighter which Obi Wan points out that that's what his uncle had told him. In ROTJ Luke mentions that he has no memories of his mother. I would think wouldn't his aunt and uncle tell him something about her, even if they make something up like they did about his father? Wouldn't Luke ask Obi Wan? In ROTJ he indicates that he has no information about his mother, or at least no memories. So really, the only thing Luke knows about his mom is what Leah told him in ROTJ as being "very beautiful but sad" from what Leah can recall. In a book in the Star Wars EU Luke mentions that his mother is one of the biggest if not the biggest mysteries of his life although as of now the EU is not canon and it never really was primary canon. I would think though, Luke would've no doubt at least asked his aunt and uncle and they would've at least given him stories whether they're made up or not and it also makes sense that Luke would've asked Obi Wan something especially after Obi Wan revealed to him the truth about his father contrary to what his uncle had told him.