Hot girls/terrible film

Beside phoebe and betsy who were both insanely beautiful, this has to rank as one of the most outrageously awful films I've ever watched. The writers couldn't have ever watched a film before, I've never seen anything like this. This should be used as an educational tool, shown to film students as to how a film shouldn't be made! Don't get me wrong it's an absolute classic and the person who cast phoebe and betsy should have won a Nobel prize but its the worst I've ever seen.


This movie was on par with those 2am Showtime attempts at soft-porn. Really bad, but hot naked girls in it


I didn't find it appalling like you did, but it is definitely far from good. In other words, while it genuinely made me laugh a bit, this is really only worth watching for the girls... especially for the insanely hot Betsy Russell.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


It came on Skinemax the other night. Too much nudity in the movie those girls are hot but they are in their 50's now.
